The procedure of the establishment of the town council
The highest decision-making body of the town was the town council. The town council was elected for two years in accordance with the rules of 1919. The term was prolonged to 3 years in 1923 and then again to 4 years in 1930. Depending on the number of the inhabitants in the region the number of the deputes varied from 12 to 90 deputies (in Riga). The deputes elected the chairman from their midst they also elected the mayor, his/her assistants and the members of the board.
The councillors had to discuss and decide on all the important things regarding the administration of the town. They also had to define operational procedures of the town board and other institutional arrangements and to prepare the appropriate instructions.
The executive body of the town was the Board. It ruled on holding and administrative affairs and fulfilled the daily duties of the municipality guided by regulations of the council. The Board of the town was formed by the mayor and members of the Board.
A mayor was entrusted the overall supervision of the board and the entities subject to the control. He or she convened and conducted the meetings of the board as well as had the right to have a deciding vote in case of the equal vote voting of the deputies on a particular issue.
*20th century Latvian history. Volume II. The independent state. 1918 - 1940 '. R., 2003