Minutes No. 4
10 out of 12 members of the council were present at the session of the town council of Salacgriva Region on August 18, 1927. the chairman Robert Berzin and the members: Hermans Eidemans, Ottomars Karrins, Oskars Karrins, Augusts Paze, Nika Veiss, Peters Lipsbergs, Janis Norits, Davids Kalnins un Gustavs Kalnins.
The agenda:
1) ratification of town street names;
2) ……………………………………
§ 1
The members of the town council decided unanimously: to give the names listed below, but the numbering of the buildings to entrust to the board:
1) From the ferriage to the Medical Practice (the end of Kotlop Street) – Rigas Street.
2) From the Medical Practice to Svetciems the border with the junction (the direction of Patkuls) – Valmieras Street;
3) From (in the direction of Kotlop) – Valmieras Street;
4) Corporate event house (into the direction of Lauteri manor, Svetciems district) – Sila Street;
5) Riga Street (from the town council and O. Laca market) to seaside – Juras Street,
6) The left bank of the Salaca till Kanca house (plot No. 193) along the Legers – Smilsu Street;
7) Sila Street (Kalnperca house) till the border with Liger house (plot No. 184) – Legeru Street;
8) Smilsu Street (along the north border of the Leger house) till seaside – Vasaras Street;
9) “” “” (through the plots No. 174F, 170F, 172F, and 173F “” – Peldu Street;
10) Sila Street (alongside plot No. 200F in the south and in the west, the border with the evening) till Smilsu Street (plot No. 175F) – Plavas Street;
11) Smilsu Street (along the north end of the Melnalksnis park) till the dunes – Melnalksna Street;
12) Melnalksnis Street till Vasara Street (along the west side of the Melnalksnis park) – Parka Street;
13) Smilsu Street (through plots No. 187F and 180F) till the dunes – Kaiju Street;
14) #From #(through the north border of plot No. 193F) till the dunes – Kanca Street;
15) Sila Street (through plots No. 194F and 195F) till the dunes – Robeza Street;
16) Valmiera Street (along the market square) – plot No. 368F till the riverside – Tirgus Street;
17) #From # east border) till the riverside – Diriku Street;
18) #From #(starting with plots No. 220F and 216F to – Kulancu Street;
19) From (starting with plots No. 223F and 222F - Tilta Street;
20) From (starting with No. 231F and 224F till – Upes Street, 21;
21) From Valmiera Street (through the border with the secondary school farm) till the riverside – Alejas Street;
22) )From (through the Karras house) till – Karras Street;
23) ’’Riga Street till Tirgus Street (till the plot No. 206F) till – Salacas Street;
24) “Tirgus Street till Diriku Street (till the plot No. 212F) till – Pumpura Street;
25) “From the ferriage till the border with Svetciems district (along the left bank of the Salaca River) – Krasta Street;
26) “Valmiera Street (from plots No. 239F and 241F) to the border with Svetciems district – Meza Street;
27) From (starting with No. 245F and 246F) till the border of the estate plot No. 284F – Sporta Street;
28) From (starting with No. 247F and 249F) till the part of the park plot No. 369F – Grivas Street;
29) From (starting with No. 235F) till Krumina Street (plots No. 292F and 293F) Jauna Street;
30) Vidzeme Street till Grivas Street (sports ground No. 248F) – Blaumana Street;
31) From Grivas Street (along the south end of the sports ground No. 248F) till plot No. 244F – Kadiku Street;
32) From Vidzemes Street (from plots No. 272F and 275F) to Jauna Street – Skunu Street;
33) From Meza Street to Sila Steet (along the north border with primary school plot No. 291F) – Krumina Street;
34) From Grivas Steet to Perca border (along the south border with the primary school plot No. 291F) – Urgas Street;
35) From Vidzeme Street (from plots No. 299F and 311F) to Sila Street – Aizkalna Street;
36) From ( starting with No. 310F and 321F) till the border with Svetciems district – Bisu Street;
37) From the border with Svetciems district .( starting with No. 344F and 343F) to Sila Street – Ganibu Street;
38) From Vidzeme Street ( starting with No.351F) to the border with Svetciems district – Lauku Street;
39) From Meza Street (starting with No. 375F and 305F) to the border with Svetciems district – Ataugas Street;
40) Form the ferriage to the border with Salaca district (in the direction of Ainazi) –Pernavas Street;
41) From Pernavas Street (from plots No. 483F and 507F) to the border with Salaca district – Baznicas Street;
42) From (starting with No. 534F and 483F) to Baznicas Street – Kalna Street;
43) From Baznicas Street (till No. 500F) to the border with Salaca district through Pusmuiza – Tiruma Street;
44) From Pernavas Street (from plot No. 399F) to the border with Salaca district – Terces Street;
45) From Terces Street (from market square – plot No. 399F) to the border with Salaca district – Zala Street;
46) From Great Salaca Gospel Lutheran parish from rectory to new estate No. 404F – Brangulmeza Street;
47) From Pernavas Street (from plot No. 533F) to dunes – Ostas Street;
48) From ( starting with No. 526F)” plot No. 535F – Skolas Street;
49) From ( starting with No. 398F) “Great Salaca Gospel Lutheran parish cemetery – Kapu Street;
50) From Kapu Street ( starting with No. 398F) to plot No. 536F – Kickina Street;
51) From Pernavas Street to dunes along the north end of the Strandina house – Strandinu Street;
52) From Kapukalnina house to - Gulbju Street;
53) From (from plots No. 392F and 388F) to dunes – Zvejas Street;
54) From Gulbju Street to Zvejas Street. Ciekuru Street;
55) From Pernavas Street along the Orthodox church till plot No. 495F – Krusta Street;
56) From Baznicas Street to plot No. 484F – Salas Street;
57) From Salas Street (from plots No.476F and 475F) to Brangulmeza Street – Palejas Street;
58) From Pernavas Street (starting with No. 523F) to Salacas Street – Krasotaju Street;
59) From Terces Street (starting with plots No. 408F and 459F) to Keninu Road – Berzu Street;
60) From Zalas Street ( starting with No. 428F) to Berzu Street – Vidus Street;
61) From (along the Berzi house through new estate plots No. 401F to 404F) to Berzu Street – Liduma Street