In 1923, 3 fishing motor-sharing communities were organised in Latvia. They were in Liepaja, Salacgriva and Ainazi. Mainly engines produced by foreign companies were purchased... . The purchase of motorboats along with other fish catching inventory and equipment that was required in everyday life was promoted by the government assigned loans ...
The Limbazi Vestnesis on April 23, 1937
Fisheries role in our economic life
The sea annually provides us with around 10.700 tonnes of fish (in the year of 1935 – 14.000 t) that was equal to LVL 2.4 million. In the year of 1935, 4051 fishermen (not including their family members and those who are employed in the fish processing) were employed in this field. From this number 2.539 fishermen are those whose main income is fishing; 1512 are those who earn additional income by fishing. When measured by coastal length, each coastal kilometre in Latvia generated 23.7 tonnes of fish. These figures are well above all the Baltic Sea adjacent countries except Poland. Each year, on average, each fisherman caught approximately 4 tons of fish in the sea ... The main species of fish is herring that comprises 62.5% of total amount. Flounder account for 14.9% whereas cod is 10.6% of total amount. Salmon when compared to the sea fishing equals to 10% of the total value of fish caught in the sea. Sea fishery employs 628 motorboats with the total of 4438.5 hp. as well as 2025 sailing and rowing boats.
No. 25 of The Limbazi Vestnesis on June 28, 1940
Sea provided catch
38 salmon and sea trout, 1300 eels, 960 flounder and halibut, 1500 cod, 22000 Baltic herring, 120 eelpout, 210 vimba and 75 other species of fish were caught in Ainazi fishing area in May. The total number of 26 203 of different fish. During the first five months of this year 27 531 kg of fish was caught.
Within the boundaries of the Salaca 1st region 50 salmon and trout, 300 eel, 100 flounder and halibut, 42 000 Baltic herring and 200 vimbas were caught. The total of 42 650 fish. During the first five months of this year 44 635 kg of fish was caught.
Within the boundaries of the Salaca 2nd region 40 salmon and trout, 360 eel, 120 flounder and halibut, 14 200 Baltic herring and 150 vimbas and 60 other species of fish were caught. The total of 14 930 fish. During the first five months of this year 16 690 kg of fish was caught.
Within the boundaries of the Vitrupe region 19 salmon and trout, 213 eel, 485 flounder and halibut, 3 956 cod, 4 765 Baltic herring, 350 eelpout and 65 vimbas were caught. During the first five months of this year 10 572 kg of fish was caught.
Within the boundaries of the Tuja region 1000 cod, 5.2 Baltic herring were caught but within the boundaries of the Liepupe region in Dunte 2 200 cod, 12 000 Baltic herring were caught.