The organisation of Salacgriva Voluntary Firefighter Organisation was founded in 1902. The first leader of the organization – the priest of the Lutheran Church Lielsalaca – Karl Schlau. BUB – Latvian Brīvprātīgo Ugunsdzēsēju Biedrība – Voluntary Firefighter Organisation was one of the most active organisation in Salacgriva. Not only did it take care of fire safety but it also promoted the social and cultural life of the town. They organised the parties in the nature, theatre performances, concerts, bazars as well as other events. During the time of first independence of Latvia the BUB society in cooperation with the Rangers and the society of the town the parade on November the 18th (the Independence Day) was organised.
The Limbazi Vestnesis of June 26, 1936.
The selfless work to organize bazar and other activities of Karline Stelce-Ozolins and other ladies has to be mentioned.
The heads of the organization:
Karl Shaua 1902-1916.
Roberts Berzins 1916-May 12, 1918.
D. Stolzs May 12, 1918-January 19, 1919.
Martins Berzins January 1, 1919- July 25 1920.
Janis Liepins July 25.1920-March 29, 1929.
Augusts Ozolins March 29, 1929 - ………….